International Shipbuild… Our company successfully participated in KORMARINE 2023,
We have a strategy to lay the groundwork for the future of the shipbuilding and marine industry,
It was an opportunity to solidify the status of Marsen in the shipbuilding equipment MARKET.
We will be a Marsen who develops insight into the shipbuilding and marine industry.
All employees of Marsen Co., Ltd.마르센- 2023-11
- 07
Marsen Co., Ltd. 2021 N… Welcoming the new year of 2021,
Marsen's opening ceremony was held abbreviated in the aftermath of COVID-19.
We will become Marsen who develops one step further.
I sincerely wish you a year full of health and happiness.
All employees of Marsen Co., Ltd.최고관리자- 2021-01
- 04
2020 Performance Report… December 11, 2020
A workshop was held to discuss the 2020 Marsen Co., Ltd. earnings report and the management plan for the next year (2021).최고관리자- 2020-12
- 11
2020 first half perform… July 03, 2020
A workshop was held to discuss Marsen's performance report and management plan in the first half of 2020.최고관리자- 2020-07
- 03
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